Nodes Details

Nodes Details

Base Nodes (1.5 SOL, 15,000 available)

To accelerate extraterrestrial development, we've decided to establish 15,000 Base Nodes on planets, enhancing resource gathering speed for all members and fostering a sense of community among builders. This initiative aims to alleviate the isolation of solo efforts, encouraging guild formation and unified efforts to elevate Kiwi harvesting and extraterrestrial development to new heights.

1. Node Name: MomoAI Base Nodes

2. Total Quantity: 15,000, limit of 3 per person

3. Price: 1.5 SOL

4. Trading Restrictions: Untradeable before $MTOS TGE, freely tradable post-TGE

5. 100% Buy-Back Mechanism: Within 72 hours post-TGE, a Base Nodes---$MTOS destruction gateway will be activated, allowing for the free destruction of Nodes and their one-time conversion into $MTOS, valued at 1.5 SOL equivalent in $MTOS public sale or opening price

6. Privileges:

1. [In-game] Daily +10x draw, +3x 100% lucky [Stackable for individuals with multiple Nodes]

2. [In-game] Additional daily share of 30% of the network's KiwiNode rewards [Divided among Node holders, with Token shares derived from Node computing power rewards]

3. [In-game] Inviter's initial luck value at 35% + 2 daily draws privilege [Non-stackable]

4. [Ecosystem] Automatic OG status in all subsequent MomoAI ecosystem games, with early access and airdrop privileges

Ecosystem Nodes (3 SOL, 10,000 available)

1. Node Name: MomoAI Eco Nodes

2. Total Quantity: 10,000, limit of 3 per person

3. Price: 3 SOL

4. Trading Restrictions: Untradeable before $MTOS TGE, freely tradable post-TGE

5. 100% Buy-Back Mechanism: Within 72 hours post-TGE, an Eco Nodes---$MTOS destruction gateway will be activated, allowing for the free destruction of Nodes and their one-time conversion into $MTOS, valued at 3 SOL equivalent in $MTOS public sale or opening price

6. Privileges:

1. [In-game] Daily +15x draw, +5x 100% lucky [Stackable]

2. [In-game] Additional daily share of 50% of the network's KiwiNode rewards [Divided among Node holders, with Token shares derived from Node computing power rewards]

3. [In-game] Inviter's initial luck value at 35% + 2 daily draws privilege [Non-stackable]

4. [Ecosystem] 30% of all $MTOS shares distributed to active Nodes, allocated on the 1st of each month, completed over 18 months post-TGE

5. [Ecosystem] Automatic SuperOG status in all subsequent MomoAI ecosystem games, with early access and airdrop privileges

AI-Agents ROOT Nodes (10 SOL, 5,500 available)

1. Node Name: AI-agents ROOT Nodes

2. Total Quantity: 5,500, limit of 10 per person

3. Price: 10 SOL

4. Trading Restrictions: Tradable 6 months post $MTOS TGE

5. Privileges:

1. [In-game] Daily +15x draw, +3x 100% lucky [Stackable]

2. [In-game] Additional daily share of 80% of the network's KiwiNode rewards [Divided among Node holders, with Token shares derived from Node computing power rewards]

3. [In-game] Inviter's initial luck value at 35% + 2 daily draws privilege [Non-stackable]

4. [Ecosystem] 30% of all $MTOS shares distributed to active Nodes, allocated on the 1st of each month, completed over 18 months post-TGE

5. [Ecosystem] Automatic HyperOG status in all subsequent MomoAI ecosystem games, with early access and airdrop privileges

Last updated